Crew of STS-125 |
Scott D. Altman – Commander This was Altman's fourth trip into space and his second visit to Hubble, having previously served as Mission Commander on SM3B (STS109) in March 2002. He is technically the real "Maverick", having been the Naval Aviator stand-in for Tom Cruise’s character in the 1986 movie Top Gun.
Gregory C. Johnson – Pilot This was Johnson’s first trip into space. It was his role to manoeuvre the Shuttle into position to capture Hubble.
John Grunsfeld - Mission Specialist Grunsfeld was the EVA lead in his third trip to service the telescope. Grunsfeld served as the Payload Commander on SM3B and performed two space walks on SM3A (STS-103) in December 1999. In total he has spent over 37 hours carrying out space walks.
Michael Massimino - Mission Specialist Massimino made his second trip into space and to Hubble. Massimino spent over 14 hours conducting two spacewalks on SM3B, his first space flight.
Andrew Feustel, Michael Good, Megan McArthur These three astronauts made their first journeys into space. Feustal and Good participated in the Hubble repairs with Grunsfeld and Massimino respectively.